
Purple Plum & White Cotton Handkerchief Still Life Art Oil Painting by Carolyn Hietala Available (click here for sale details)

This small original painting is on 4"x4" stretched canvas and is available for purchase. I truly enjoyed painting this little gem!
Photo & painting copyright protected.


Painting sessions on Kittens & Mixing Bowls.... (still a work in progress) begin by color blocking nesting bowls....

Still adding detail.....
Breaking out the tiny brushes for detail now! After the potholders I paint cat hairs. Then back to the rest of the painting. detail... detail... I don't mind that the vintage potholders are faded..... just adds character right? And now one of the kittens (now all grown up) resides with a family member and is indeed a "real character."

Things are really beginning to "take shape" now ;0)

Sixth Session: I apply a very thin layer of linseed oil to the bowl then with a tiny amount of titantium on my filbert I lightly drag the brush over the entire bowl... then again in the reflective areas. I will let it dry and move to the kittens. Tomorrow will continue on the bowl with alternating color glazes until it speaks... "I'm pottery" ;0) I also begin underpainting the potholders.

Fifth Session: Have deepened colors by turpentine / burnt umber washes. Now detail work begins.
Fourth painting session: Establishing background & lighting / bowl shadows not yet defined as still building up color / tinting kittens ears etc. with rose madder. Now the whites need to dry more before I can continue on the kits. & potholders so will set it aside and continue other works.
Update: Third painting session I tinted the background with wash of ultramarine / lamp black. Then applied titanium white to the kittens / potholders. Next I began to establish the calico pattern on the kittens even though the white is still wet. I am still building up the color / contours of the bowl along with adding shadows inside with asphaltum by Gamblin. The top rim I painted with unbleached titanium which was a perfect match to the bowl's color.

Second Painting Session: Still using a turpentine wash of Burnt Sienna I block in the bowl so as to gradually build up color. I'll let it dry for now and begin painting the potholders with white in preparation for glazing. I will post that progress tomorrow.

Carolyn Hietala

"Death By Chocolate" Kisses Caramel & Dark Chocolate & Fly ACEO Miniature Oil Painting... Available via eBay... UPDATE:SOLD

Third session: A surprise is added to the composition as you can see.

Update second session: Background begun & while drying..... on to the kisses for detail.

First painting session: on this little ACEO artist trading card. Hard to paint candy when all you really want is to eat it. Good things come to those who wait. I'll set it aside to work on others and post the completed here. Probably two more sessions until done with the last being for detail.

Now go right ahead.... have some Chocolate!
Carolyn Hietala


Here's a small 4"x4" oil painting on stretched canvas.... "Plum Delicious & Hanky" (click here for purchase information)

I call this one finished! It is my first still life painted with very dark shadows and am looking forward to doing more like it. The appearance is very "Rich" and will show even more depth & drama after varnishing. My Dad would be pleased to see his hanky included ;0)

I have done a quick color blocking on the handkerchief and now detail can begin.

I have decided to add my Dad's vintage cotton handkerchief to the composition and used a detail brush to sketch it in with titantium white. Dad loved plums and was never without a handkerchief in his pocket.

Now I begin on the background deciding upon on a dramatic effect using deep shadows to show off this subject.

This is the beginning of a miniature painting done in photo realism style. Now it will dry before a background along with more glazes and details are applied. Plum delicious already ;0)
Update: Have to buy a replacement plum before I can complete.... gone but not forgotten!

Carolyn Hietala