
Painting sessions on Kittens & Mixing Bowls.... (still a work in progress) begin by color blocking nesting bowls....

Still adding detail.....
Breaking out the tiny brushes for detail now! After the potholders I paint cat hairs. Then back to the rest of the painting. detail... detail... I don't mind that the vintage potholders are faded..... just adds character right? And now one of the kittens (now all grown up) resides with a family member and is indeed a "real character."

Things are really beginning to "take shape" now ;0)

Sixth Session: I apply a very thin layer of linseed oil to the bowl then with a tiny amount of titantium on my filbert I lightly drag the brush over the entire bowl... then again in the reflective areas. I will let it dry and move to the kittens. Tomorrow will continue on the bowl with alternating color glazes until it speaks... "I'm pottery" ;0) I also begin underpainting the potholders.

Fifth Session: Have deepened colors by turpentine / burnt umber washes. Now detail work begins.
Fourth painting session: Establishing background & lighting / bowl shadows not yet defined as still building up color / tinting kittens ears etc. with rose madder. Now the whites need to dry more before I can continue on the kits. & potholders so will set it aside and continue other works.
Update: Third painting session I tinted the background with wash of ultramarine / lamp black. Then applied titanium white to the kittens / potholders. Next I began to establish the calico pattern on the kittens even though the white is still wet. I am still building up the color / contours of the bowl along with adding shadows inside with asphaltum by Gamblin. The top rim I painted with unbleached titanium which was a perfect match to the bowl's color.

Second Painting Session: Still using a turpentine wash of Burnt Sienna I block in the bowl so as to gradually build up color. I'll let it dry for now and begin painting the potholders with white in preparation for glazing. I will post that progress tomorrow.

Carolyn Hietala